The future of events in 2022: hybrid events

The future of events in 2022: hybrid events

The future of events is rather the present, because throughout 2021 some changes were already seen, that now in 2022 will also set a trend. We can say without fear of being wrong that the hybrid format is here to stay. The combination of face-to-face and virtual...
Hybrid events: everything you need to know

Hybrid events: everything you need to know

The crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic has dealt a severe blow to the meetings and events industry (MICE), one of the first sectors to be affected and one of those that will recover later. The slow recovery of the sector will cause many associations and...
What is the perfect invitation for each event?

What is the perfect invitation for each event?

After planning the content, booking the day and times, inviting speakers and moderators and everything related to the event, it is time to send out the invitations. This is a very important step in which we cannot fail. We have already discussed in the blog how to...
How to make an event briefing

How to make an event briefing

Organizing an event requires paying attention to many different factors and investing a great deal of time in preparation, but we can be sure that the better the planning, the more successful the event will be. Among the different tasks that an organizer must take on,...